
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish welcomes you and your family to the celebration of your child’s baptism.

By choosing your child to be baptised, you as parent(s) have a duty to develop your child’s faith education, eg: night prayer, prayer before meals, going to Mass.

By baptising your child, you are paving the way to set your child on a Journey of Faith.


  • You must attend a Baptism Preparation Session (Parent Information Night) a few weeks before your child’s Baptism. This is a compulsory part of the Baptism Program. These will be held every last Wednesday of each month and must be attended by at least one parent.

  • You must attend a Presentation Ceremony at the 11am Mass at Queen of Peace Church.

For more information, please fill out the Baptism Enquiry Form below or call our Baptism Co-ordinator on 9369 6877 on Tuesday or Thursday 10am -2 pm.